SHE/HER: An Ode to all Working Moms


Her exhausted body,

work tirelessly to make ends meet,

like ice in fire.

Her drooping eyes,

gleam with joy,

as she reaches her hearth.


She works,

and works,

without a moment of rest,

there she goes...


She is an inspiration for me

that no matter what,

you should be,



Nights spell loneliness,

without her,

my mind shrinks,

my body sinks,

alone in the corner of the bed,

for she is my mom..


Photo Credits: VectorStock 

                       (thanks alott!)

Hi!! Its been 2 months since I last posted.. 

This is my ode to all those hardworking moms, both working outside and inside be it anywhere, you guys are the biggest pillar of strength for every child .. an inspiration for us that no matter what, never stop until you're proud...

It was my mom's birthday almost 2 weeks ago, and I couldn't gift her:( ..  I hope posting this poem  would be the best gift that I could give her.. not just for her,  but all for moms..

Signing off,

